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TEAM HEAT ּҴ http://link.ivy.ro Դϴ.   ã⿡'߰'  ޴
Ʈ αȸȸ  Ȯα׾ƿ
  KWC desert Eagle Revew by Gene
arnies | 2006.10.03-04:49 | ȸ: 18718 | õ :0 õ :0
   ũ #1  Ÿ php Դϴ. http://www.arniesairsoft.co.uk/dyn_news/rss.php (3503)
   ũ #2  Ÿ php?go=news&subaction=showfull&id=1159406505&archive=1159657208 Դϴ. http://www.arniesairsoft.co.uk/index.php?go=news&subaction=showfull&id=1159406505&archive=1159657208 (3507)
Just to let you know, we have a review up of the brand new KWC Desert Eagle provided by Airsplat. It's got a metal slide and barrel and shoots pretty well!

As with all our reviews, it's up in the database and can be found here.

You can be expecting more reviews from us for Airsplat products in the near future.

IP:  (211..165.28)
Comment (1) | Ʈϱ
 ÷ ̹ Դϴ. Ŭ  â ϴ.
ran 2020.05.22-04:17
up of the bd new KWC Desert Eag

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