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  AirsoftSearch 1.3 Released
arnies | 2006.10.03-04:49 | ȸ: 18425 | õ :0 õ :0
   ũ #1  Ÿ php Դϴ. http://www.arniesairsoft.co.uk/dyn_news/rss.php (3473)
   ũ #2  Ÿ php?go=news&subaction=showfull&id=1159546905&archive=1159657208 Դϴ. http://www.arniesairsoft.co.uk/index.php?go=news&subaction=showfull&id=1159546905&archive=1159657208 (3473)
Visionviper on the forums (the creator of AirsoftCalc) has been in touch to notify everyone that he latest version of AirsoftSearch has been released! For all those unaware, this is a useful browser plug-in which effectively searches several of the most popular airsoft retailers' websites for a product:
Alrighty. The new version of AirsoftSearch is here! Version 1.3! Here is the changelog:

v1.3 Changelog:
-Retailer Airsoft Option added
-Review category added

Download link: http://hootsoftware.com/AirsoftSearch.zip

Small note to add: Many thanks to Node on Arnie's Airsoft who has contributed yet again. Node - you are the best.
VisionViper (AirsoftCalc)

IP:  (211..165.28)
Comment (1) | Ʈϱ
 ÷ ̹ Դϴ. Ŭ  â ϴ.
ftSear 2020.05.22-04:19
sion of Airsoch is here! Versio

  |  The Return of dEFCON4 - dEFCONairsoft!  

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